Dr. Paula M. E Kibbelaar
Dr. Paula Kibbelaar was the founding dean, associate professor and lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) at the University of Aruba (UA) (2009-2013). While she was dean, she was invited by the then Board of Trustees for three months as the interim rector of the University of Aruba (from October to January 2010-2011). Currently she works as a lecturer, coordinator, researcher, and policy worker at the Aruban Teacher Training College (PABO) within the Kingdom of the Netherlands applying sustainable inclusive development (17 SDG’s) as the main theoretical perspective within the curriculum.
She has implemented this framing within the IPA’s People and Society sector curricula; particularly for economy and politics (Profit/Prosperity/tourism/SIDS and active and/or communitarianism, social capital, engaged citizenship and/or citizen studies and good governance) and as a tool for sustainable learning and education for her projects and lectures at the IPA. Previously, she has worked for several Dutch ministries, the Dutch Employers organization De Baak VNO-NCW, and other governmental and private sector organizations in the Netherlands and the Netherlands Antilles (Curaçao).
Dr Kibbelaar obtained her PhD in Social Sciences in 2005 at the University of Utrecht at the Utrecht School for Governance (REBO or USG) and she is an inter and multidisciplinary social science scientist, policy worker and researcher. Her research interests include Latin American and Dutch Caribbean Island studies; women’s and ethnic studies (gender diversity); organization (corporate diversity) and governance research and development studies. She has participated in the Netherlands, Curacao and Aruba as board member or chair in numerous foundations and/ or organizations. She was chair of the foundation Weconnect Aruba (2015-2021).
She is currently a member of the Gender Steering Committee for the Development of a Gender Policy in Aruba for the office of the Prime Minister of Aruba. She was one of the editors of the Gender Action Plan which was offered to the Secretary of State Alexandra van Huffelen in May 2022 at the University of Aruba. She Is also a board member of the WIIS foundation at the University of Leiden. She lectures on topics regarding the SDG’s, inclusive sustainability or sustainable inclusive development, inclusion, equity & diversity, globalization, social justice, migration, citizen studies, HRM policies within organization and/ or governance studies.
Currently she is the senior project leader of the follow-up post covid Youth Monitor Aruba research project in collaboration with the VU commissioned by the Aruban minister of Education and Sport and the minister of Social Affairs and Justice. She is the initiator of the National Gender Education and Motherhood project (2022-2023). She also partners up with the University of Curacao on the NRO research project (Education Research NWO). She is an expert on gender (diversity) for and within organizations and companies; sustainable inclusive development (SDG’s), inclusion, equity & diversity, development challenges and governance and organization studies.
Current coordinating projects
As the Senior Project leader Research project Follow up Post-covid Youth Monitor Aruba commissioned by the Aruban minister of Education and Sport and the minister of Social Affairs and Justice; this research team is multidisciplinary, multicultural, multiethnic and interdisciplinary consist by IPA, VU, UA and IPA experts. As the lead researcher and initiator for the upcoming Gender&Education book project commissioned by the prime minister and the rector of the University of Aruba 25 (Aruban) women, or women working and living on or for Aruba will be interviewed and photographed on the impact of their mother on their educational choices and/or career for the Aruban community or the impact of their motherhood on their daughters regarding education and or career choices. Deadline for the launch or presentation is the 18th of March in 2025.She also participated in NRO/NWO projects in collaboration the University of Aruba and the University of Curacao/IPA.
Current Research assignments
Coordinating the research assignment by the Aruban government on the follow up mental health post covid among 5th and 6th graders in all elementary schools in Aruba; highlighting the social crisis post covid.
Coordinating the qualitative data analysis, report, and presentation/seminar of the Follow-up Post covid Youth Monitor Aruba 2023/2024.
Coordinator and lead researcher and project leader for the Gender & Education book project on the SDG 4 and SDG 5 on 50 Aruban women or women working and living in Aruba. Framing from an Aruban context fifty intersectional zed female experiences on motherhood, education, and careers.
NRO/NWO research project in collaboration with the University of Curacao and the University of Aruba.
Final BSc thesis supervisor for fourth year IPA students
Current projects
Coordinates the 17 UNSDGs for sustainable inclusive development within the IPA curriculum for the Social Studies sector at IPA, particularly on the topics of Prosperity/profit (SIDS economics) and Participatory Governance (active citizen studies).
Coordinated empowerment workshops commissioned by CEO Amsterdam Manor, Jurgen v Schaijk for HR department and front desk employees. 2022-2023
Coordinator of the Social Service at IPA and redefining the framing of social service from the 17 UNSDGs. Author of the policy note commissioned by the management of IPA, titled Herijken voor een maatschappelij-gerichte educatie. Van Maatschappelijk concept naar een Maatschappelijk duurzaam inclusieve dienstverlening (2017)
Coordinating/initiator for the BALA (BestuursAcademie Land Aruba) commissioned by DRH/Ministry of Nature, Transport, Integrity, and seniors affairs.
Project leader for the parliament on Diversity, equity and inclusion for the government of Statia (2024)
Lecturer of and Social Studies/Sociology coordinator second year /semester for the nurses BSc program of HOH, DVG, IMSAN and WitGele Kruis.
Coordinating renewal MOU between UA/IPA and NYU Steinhardt of Education, Culture and Human Development, with the government of Aruba(ministry of Nature and Environment) and main contact person for WAS-GMA for IPA.
Currently exploring an institutional partnership in Washington DC/Howard University.
USA/Canada coordinator for international internship third year students at IPA.
Previous coordinator Towson University-IPA; MOU partnership in Baltimore with IPA/Aruba/Maryland in collaboration with WAS-GMA.
Partnership and/or collaboration on several topics and projects with Directie Onderwijs (DEA), Centro Hoben I Famia, DAS, WitGele Kruis, Ministerie Economische Zaken, Communicatie en duurzaamheid, Ministerie Onderwijs en Sport, Ministerie Sociale Zaken en Justitie en ministerie Natuur, Transport, Integriteit en Ouderen Zaken.
Teaching BKO/PDG at IPA on the 17 UNSDGs, Globalization, Migration and (Gender)Diversity, development economics and corporate diversity
BKE/BKO student at IPA in 2024
Teaching/lecturing International Minor (IM) Students at IPA 2018-
Participating the shared chair project (2024) Doorwerking Slavernij verleden (UoC, UA and IPA).
Lecturing (Social Studies) first year IPAstudents, from the 17 UN SDGs perspective on SIDS economics, development economics (Tourism),politics, and active citizenship (Collaborating with the ministry of economic affairs, communication and sustainable development, Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) on the Global Money Week (GMW)Project). Directie Sociale Zaken en Cede Aruba.
Final thesis supervisor BSc at IPA (for years) and/or social projects supervisor
Taught/lectured extensively in the Netherlands, Curacao and USA;
Lecturer at UvA at Amidst/Indra or Faculty of social and behavioral science for master’s students,
At the VU/UvA( guest) lectures
At ORPAS I.S.S/Erasmus policy worker
Lecturer at UU at USBO or REBO or USG for MSc students
At the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (F.A.S BSc for OGM and Social Work&Development department,
At the UoC (MSc Social Work program; Msc thesis supervisor) (2011-2013
Lecturer and research supervisor International Internship (BUS) IPA students at Towson University Baltimore in Maryland
Lecturer and research supervisor International Internship (BUS IPA students at NYU Steinhardt School of Education in NYC
(Board) member of Committees in the Netherlands, Curacao, U.S.A, Aruba.
NWO consultation committee for the NRO/NWO research call
Chair of WeConnect Aruba 2017-2021
Board member WIIS - Faculty of Governance & Global affairs at the University of Leiden from 2021-present
Board member WEB social Affairs Committee 2013-2017
DRH start commission on program good governance (BALA)with governmental department heads
Board member of the Gender Steering Committee Aruba 2020-present
VNO Member COHO commission education post covid 2021/2022
Member for the Trash to Cash committee for the Ministry for Nature, Transport, Integrity and senior affairs 2021-2022
Feedback NWO research committee for the CAS Covid household result presentation 2021-2023
Advisor to and presenter at the STEM embassy seminar Aruba/Curacao 2022-
17 UNSDG Open Pedagogy online platform From 2021-2023 faculty team leader IPA/ Montgomery College (MC College) in Virginia; USA (Tristate college)
10-year Jubilee placate Faculty of Arts and Science (F.A.S) University of Aruba in 2019. Recognition as the founding dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (F.A.S)
NWO interview as a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam AMIDST/INDRA
Recent notable Presentations/conferences/seminars.
Handover of the final report Quality of life of Aruban Youth. Follow up post covid Youth Monitor Aruba
Presentation to the minister of Social Affairs and Justice on the research findings of the follow up post covid Youth Monitor Aruba on the 30th of October
Various presentations of the pilot results of the Youth Monitor Aruba; The Quality of Life of Aruban Youth seminar Plan di Mayor at Hyatt Plaza April 2023 and at the seminar of the foundation Telefon pa Hubentud, May 2024 in Marriott Stellaris Aruba.
Presentation on BALA (Good governance academy program) for the Minister of Integrity. March 2023
UA CLL presentation inJanuary 2022. Herijken. Naar een maatschappijgerichte educatie. Cracks on the glass ceiling. Opportunities, barriers and strategies. Tertiary educated women on the labor market. May 24, 2022, Aula of the University of Aruba.
Workgroup session with UN Caribbean Women, in 2022 at CEDHEM supervised by Tonni Broadber in collaboration with the Aruban government invited by the Gender Steering Committee Aruba.
Speech for Plenitionary minister and (vice)dean George Mason University or Washington University in DC, IPA director in Washington DC December 2021
Lecture on the glass ceiling for International Women’s Day in 2019 in Renaissance
Opening and MC for IPA’s conference on its 25-year Jubilee conference in Hilton 2017
First FAS conference 2012 in collaboration with ISS/Erasmus with dr. Helen Hintjes (2012)
First female leadership conference at Marriott in 2011 in collaboration with ATA (Joyce Bartels Daal and Marielle van der Leeuw) with Heleen Mees.
Church: ecumenical/Christian/Roman Catholic: Active member of churches in The Netherlands/ Curacao/Aruba /international ministry in Amsterdam (Xroads) prayers sessions (GSCC) en Protestantse Kerk Aruba
Literature, (poetry performance in Curacao/Amsterdam) festivals,( music) performances and biennales
Music: Flute (blokfluit) (Groningen en Nijmegen) and Classical Violinist training orchestra/concerts (Nijmgen and Curacao); loves classical, jazz, pop and opera music
Sports: Classical ballet, field hockey, athletics, tennis, fitness and jogging
Theatre & Arts: Theatre, classical, pop, jazz concerts, praise and worships songs, performances, Musea, movies, gallery’s, art festivals, reading books, listening to music
Social: Social gatherings with friends, love to travel and fashion
Nature: Hiking, Caminatas or Pilgrimhikes
Loves restaurants, dining, cook workshops; loves Caribbean, European, Italian, Scandinavian, Latin American, Asian and vegetarian dishes. Wine tasting lover.
Social Media/publicity/news (Aruba, Curacao, Nederland)
Newspaper articles in Nederland, Curacao, Aruba, radio, podcasts interviews and other tv interviews Social media (FB & Insta) on activities about the UA, IPA, government, Trash to Cash, Towson University and NYU MOU partnership.
Op Aruba; BonDia, Diaro, Amigoe, Antilliaans Dagblad, Noticiacla.
Interviews in Podcasts Carolina Thiel-Span, Sincerely Carolina, Cacho Spierto met Henrique & Stamper Sopi Mix Studios
Phd Commissions/supervision (The Netherlands, Curacao, Aruba, USA)
Member Phd committee USBO colleague
Member of Phd committee dr.Lydia Emericencia at the UU
Member of the Phd Commissie/cortege dr. Annemarie Marchena-Slot at the UoC
Supervision committee of VU Postdoc dr. Katharina Joosen
Member of the Phd Committee at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio invited by Prof. dr. Philomena Essed
Member of the Phd Committee; student of Prof.dr. Cees Hamelinck at the University of Amsterdam
Member of the PhD committee for the public defense of dr. Madhu Jadnansing of the FHTMS at the University of Aruba
MSc thesis supervisor drs/MSc Lita Pietersz, De Nederlandse Business School/RBC research. HRM and diversity, equity, and inclusion within RBC HRM policies. Cum Laude
Member of the Dutch Anthropological Professional Association (ABV)in the Netherlands
Much invited panel member on topics regarding diversity, gender, equity and inclusion, development studies, governance, intersectionality, Caribbean Region. In the Netherlands, Curacao and Aruba
FENN boardmember in the Netherlands
Ocan boardmember in the Netherlands
WEB advisory boardmember (social affairs)
Weconnect Aruba (chair)
WIIS boardmember/ University of Leiden
Currently PhD supervivsor
Phd supervisor for UA student
Phd supervisor IPA student
Publications (Aruba/Curacao/The Netherlands)
Upcoming book project Gender&Education (SDG4/SDG5) commissioned by the PM of Aruba and the Rector of the University of Aruba; a portrait book of 50 (Aruban) women or women in Aruba. Deadline Launch March the18th 2025.
Upcoming report follow up Post-covid Youth Monitor Aruba on mental health of Aruban schoolchildren 2023/2024
Article in Upcoming handbook Gender Studies in the Dutch Caribbean in 2024 by the University of Amsterdam and the University of Curacao.
Artikel in Pedagogischen Studie naan de Universiteit Leiden in 2023 Pilotresults van de Youth Monitor Pre Covid ism dr. Anne-Marie Slotboom
Editor to the report Trash to Cash for the minister of Nature, Transport, Integrity, and senior affairs supervised by dr. Ryan Peterson and Juliet Carval
Article in Kristof 2018, Jaargang XIX-4. Sociaal Kultureel Tijdschrift
Article in Coaching Managementtijdschrift 2018- 2019
Article in collaboration met Archeologisch Museum, drs. Raymundo Dijkhoff hfd van Archeologisch museum 2012
Co-composer, writer and editor van Perspectieva Mundial (PM) IPA reader of handbook for Sustainable inclusive Development or in-depth theoretical development and framing of the International internship BUitenlandse Stage(BUS) third year IPA students with colleague dr. Haime Croes
Report/Redefining and reframing the IPA Policy note on social service. Herijken. Naar een maatschappij gerichte educatie (IPA) 2017-2020 commissioned by the Department of Education and the Management of IPA in 2013.
Yearly report /Brondocument FAS 2012
Work/professional experience before Aruba 2009
De Baak VNO-NCW,
Ministery of Justice
Ministery of Kingdom relations
Previous Antillenhuis now Curacao House or embassy
Ministery of Interior Affairs and Kingdom relations in the Hague
Free lance researcher at Previous Antillenhuis now Curacao House or embassy in the Haque
Ministery of Social Affairs and Labour in the Haque
Ministery of Education in the Haque
University of Amsterdam(InDRA/AGIDS)/AMiDST
FENN at the University of Amsterdam, Erasmus Rotterdam
Club van 100 in Amsterdam
University of Utrecht
Forum In Utrecht
Weconnect Nederland in Amsterdam and Aruba
MAS in Utrecht (jaren 80)
Anne Frank Huis project 1992/1993
Research Methodology (mixed methods approach)
Qualitative research methodologist
Presentations, lecturing, workshops, labs, workshops, seminars, presentations
Writing letters, letters, PowerPoints, articles, books, journals,
Interviewing, managing a supervision team, research team.
Team worker,
Senior project leader or lead researcher.
Theory development,
Supervision and member of research consortia
Transcribing interviews
Project Management(De Baak)
Qualitative Data Analysis or mixed methods data analysis
Public Speaking
Bsc/Msc Thesis and dissertation supervision/coaching
Member of supervision master’s and PhD teams
Coordinator, organization of scientific events, labs, workshops, seminars,conferences, network sessions
Policy worker and expert
Organizing and hosting Seminars/conferences/workshops/labs
Debater, panel member or chair in the Netherlands/Aruba
Internationalization/global coordinator US/Canada/The Netherlands
MOUs and TOR initiator and closer
Educational Background
Summer session and stint at Radcliffe Harvard in Cambridge Boston on Gender and Ethnicity relations(1990).
Completed in 1998
PD researcher in collaboration with the university of the Netherlands Antilles or now University of Curacao/University of Amsterdam, Previous Faculty AMiDST/Agids / Indra – Netherlands now AISSR at the University of Amsterdam /Faculty Behavioral and Social sciences at Roeterseiland supervised by Prof.dr Joke Schrijvers en Prof.dr. Philomena Essed, Prof.dr. Ton Dietz.
PhD Member of the member of the Dutch research school for development studies (CERES) Ceresresearchschool.nl (1996--1997)
PhD Member of the Dutch research school for Gender Studies (NOV/ NOG) (1996-1997)
Collaborated on projects with E-Quality Expertise centrum and Belle van Zuylen Institute/Aletta Jacobs Institute in Utrecht.
Completed in 1993
Master Thesis - Cultural Anthropology – Faculty of Social Science, specialization in Latin American and Caribbean studies, ethnic and Women studies at the University of Utrecht // Master’s specialization, Latin American & Caribbean studies, and Gender (UUCRES)) and ethnic studies (UU/CRES) at the University of Amsterdam.
Executed a research project commissioned by Anne Frank Huis on racism and stigmatization among youngsters (1992-1993)
International Exchange student at University of Massachusetts at Amherst for MSc fieldwork for MSc thesis under supervision of Prof.dr Philomena Essed (CRES/University of Amsterdam) and dr. Wim Hoogbergen (UU/Faculty of Social sciences /Cult. Anthropology) at the African American studies department at UMASS at Amherst. MSc thesis titled: From Black Women Studies towards Black feminist research. Presented by invitation at the National Conference on Black Women in Academia at MIT in Cambridge (Jan 1994).
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA // Masters field work for Master’s thesis in 1989-1990
Summer session and stint at Radcliffe College at Harvard in Cambridge/ Boston on Gender and Ethnicity relations (1990).
Completed in 1989-1990 US exchange student for MSc field research at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst for my MSc thesis supervised by Dr. Philomena Essed at the CRES/AGiDS/InDRA at the university of Amsterdam and the University of Utrecht (Social Science Faculty) by dr. W. Hoogbergen.
African - American Studies - USA Summer course in 1987 at Howard University in Washington DC (HBCU);Completed 1987 US exchange student summer course third year MSc student Cultural Anthropology at the Social Sciences faculty of the University of Utrecht
Howard University, USA // Summer Course; Introduction to The African Diaspora
Social Sciences & Cultural Anthropology
University of Utrecht // Bachelors
The Netherlands
Instituto Pedagogico Arubano | Lecturer, researcher and policy worker.
2013 – Present
Developer and lecturer IPA modules HyC 2014-2018. Introduction
Participatory Governance (The teacher as social agent and the
social map / De leerkracht als sociaal agent en de sociale kaart),
Workshops Sustainable Inclusive Development or Perspectiva
Mundial (PM), co-author of the Perspectiva Mundial (PM) reader,
Participatory Governance, supervisor PM papers, Research
Coordinator PM, ASP supervisor, Lecturer module Social inequality
within elementary schools. VU-IPA/UA collaboration on a Youth
monitor titled ‘HeyYouAruba’ (NWO-VU-IPA). NWO research project
currently supervised by VU/IPA 2016.
Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital & WGK | Lecturer 2015
MGZ bachelor program (Curacao) for healthcare professionals and nurses
Module social sciences.
Instituto Pedagogico Arubano (CIDE) | Researcher
2013 – Present
Vice president of the Jubilee 25 IPA Jubilee conference committee in May 2016. Supervision Boardmember NWO Postdoctoral researchproject VU2014-2016; Riskfactors for Dutch Caribbean women in criminal circuits by dr. Katherina Joosen supervised by Prof.dr. Catrien Bijleveld en dr. Anne-Marie Slotboom. Currently
member of the research team on the report Pilot Youth Monitor Aruba. The Quality of Life of Aruban Youth (2020) assigned by IPA & Minister of Education. Organizing committeemember and MC for the symposium titled Research in higher education within the Kingdom of the Netherlands 23rd and 24th of May 2017 Marriott Aruba in
collaboration with the Hogeschool of Rotterdam.
Board Member Foundations
2014 – Present
Chair WeConnect Aruba | 2016 – Present
Stil Verleden | 2014 – Present
WEB Commission | 2013-2016
OCAN | 2005-2009
FENN | 1998-2004
Publications/chapters/articles/ reports/websites/ Books
Hoge Hakken, Wereldbaan - Vrouwen in sleutelposities op Curaçao. Auteurs: Paula Kibbelaar Clarisse vanHaersma Buma. Co-auteur: C. Buma(2003)
Publication dissertation titled “Barsten in het glazen plafond. Tertiaire opgeleide vrouwn op de Curaçaose arbeidsmarkt dissertatie(2005)
The Art of Being a foreigner De Baak VNO-NCW(2007)
Sterke vrouwen in het Koninkrijk (2010)
Chapter in publication edited by Prof.dr RoseMary Allen, Emancipatie&Acceptatie(2007)
Chapter in publication Sevilla Slavery Heritage (2006)
Ninsee Publication on Tiener en jonge moeders; Participatie = integratie(2006)
NWOpublication on Phds (2004)
MAC Foundation More Attention for Care; Publication in Memory of dr. Macdonald Kibbelaar(2009)
Atria publication on the female labor history in Curacao (the Panama hat industry)(1999)
And more
(Spanisch; Passive)
Professional Experience
University of Aruba | Founding Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science
2012 - 2013
Co-lecturer and developer of the modules Philosophy of science, Disciplinary approaches to organizations,
Lecturer:Introduction to qualitative research,
Lecturer: Sociology of Development,
Lecturer: Diversity, equity and inclusion
Lecturer: Qualitative Research in Organizations.
(Guest) lecturer: Social work and Development perspectives and other modules.
Supervisor F.A.S BSc and Msc thesis at the University of Aruba (F.A.S)
Co-promoter research project Social Media on Aruba in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam. Faculty of Humanities. Promotor. Prof. dr. Richard Rogers. Supervision research project. Progressing
Co-promotor Ph.D. research project titled: research into female executive leadership in the lodging industry in Aruba. A focus on the effects of second-generation gender bias on career advancement.
2022 University of Aruba | Interim rector.
2010 - 2011
Dean, associate professor and lecturer of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) at the University of Aruba 2009-2013
University of The Netherlands Antilles | Lead Researcher
2008 - 2009 Lead researcher for the research project ‘Strong women in the Dutch Kingdom’ commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Interior affairs and Kingdom relations in collaboration with the University of the Netherlands Antilles (University of Curacao or UoC).
Publication: Vrouwen van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba. Naar een betere toekomst. Aan de slag met sterke vrouwen in het Koninkrijk. Onderzoek naar beleid en praktijk.
2010 Hogeschool of Amsterdam, Netherlands | Lecturer at the faculty of Law and Society
2008 - 2009 Coordinator, Developer and lecturer of the Modules: The Do’s and Don’ts of diversity. Faculty of Law and Society. Reader 2008 Hogeschool of Amsterdam, Netherlands | Support staff member merger PABO within the UNA (UoC).
During the set-up of the program SW/FMG for the UNA in Amsterdam, by holding talks and coordinating the merger with HvA/UvA under the guide of Prof.dr.Jeanne de Bruijn previous rector of the University of the Netherlands Antilles(UNA now UoC). Teaching the module Do’s and Don’ts of Diversity for 4th year bachelor students Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Institute of Social Studies (ORPAS), Netherlands | Interim Research Officer at ORPAS/I.S.S/Erasmus University
2005-2007 Research officer at ORPAS at ISS/Erasmus University; Update of the ISSErasmus website (researchprojects) and a report on all the researchprojects, vision&mission and projects.
I-NOVA, Netherlands | Associate consultant-researcher; Coordinator of the diversity scan at and for the Dutch Ministry of Justice.
Co-researcher with dr. Oberon Nauta on the research project assigned by the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kingdom relations in the Haque on the Checks and Balances within the Dutch Caribbean and other Caribbean democracies
2006-2007 Research, policy worker for de Baak Management centrum VNO-NCW on The creative economy, globalization, Amsterdam and diversity. The Art of being a foreigner(www.artofbeingaforeigner.nl)
National Institute of Dutch Slavery History & Heritage, Netherlands | Project manager
www.ninsee.nl of the Royal Tropical Institute (www.kit.nl) in Amsterdam from February 2005 until December 2005. Assigned by the Ministry of Justice (Then Minister of Justice, Mw. Verdonk) Conference and report (publication) on the emancipation and participation of Afro Antillean and Surinamese (Caribbean) women, in particular young (teenage) mothers, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and Integration and the Municipality of Amsterdam.
Embassy of the Netherlands Antilles in The Hague, Netherlands | Freelance project manager
Published and developed a funding and subsidy brochure for funding projects in the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding the Dutch Caribbean. A publication on all the funding agencies and subsidies within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Ministry of Integration in The Hague, Netherlands | Assistant to the secretary of the Committee on Antillean Risk Youth as Assistant to the secretary of the commission for high-risk Antillean youths.
2002-2004 Advisor & consultant for Opportunity in Bedrijf in Amstelveen(OIB)
2002-2005 Buitenpromovendus at REBO/UU and teaching at bachelor and master’s level at USBO/REBO community-oriented research assignments and supervisor of MSc thesis; new PhD supervision team, led by Prof.dr. Paul Verweel, Prof.dr Valdermar Marcha, Prof.dr.Arie de Ruijter and dr. Gilbert Cijntje and Irene Prof.dr. Irene Van Staveren
1997-2002 PhD candidate and Guest lecturer at Amidst/INDRA at the University of Amsterdam, Roeterseiland, co-promotor, dr. Philomena Essed, Professor. Joke Schrijvers, Prof.dr. Rene Romer
1999 ATRIA; publication History of women on the Curacao labor market; an overview of the panama hat industry
Former General Director of the Instituto Pedagogico Arubano (IPA) | Drs. Ava Thode | avathode@gmail.com
Former Director of USBO and REBO at the University of Utrecht | Dr. Paul Verweel | p.verweel@uu.nl
Chair of the Executive Board of USBO | Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf | m.noordegraaf@uu.nl
Former Minister of Education | Dr. Armando (Rudy) Lampe | armando.lampe@gmail.com
Director of Department of Education | Drs. Annemarie Proveyer | annemarie.proveyer@ea.aw
Director of Bloodbank Aruba | Prof. dr. Ashley Duits | ajduits@gmail.com
Former Director FKP | Herman George | herman.s.george@live.com
Dutch Caribbean University WTC Curaçao | Dr. Gilbert Cijntje | gcijntje@hotmail.com
Former CEO of De Baak (www.debaak.nl) Drs. Harry Starren